Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Last night, I went to ride with the Wolfpack. I would estimate that there were almost 40 riders. We met around 10:00 p.m. and started riding out at 10:30 p.m. These guys are fast! I was able to keep up with them, but I was getting tired and started struggling. I was okay on the flats and fast on the downhills, but weak on the uphills. A lot of these guys were on fixies and track bikes too. The pace was pretty fast. We went through Hollywood and Downtown. We stopped a few times for drinks and snacks. It was fun going through Hollywood. People were cheering us on.

There was a Korean girl who was on a fixie and I was pretty impressed. They're in such good condition and had incredible stamina.

During the ride, I rode into a big pothole and got a flat. The guys were pretty nice and they all stopped for me. A few of the guys helped me fix my flat tire.

On the last stretch, we turned on to Sunset Blvd., from Downtown L.A. That's when they dropped me and I got schooled. Well, I did learn a lot. I need to train much more and work on my conditioning, especially sustaining high speeds on inclines.

I want to ride with them again. Too bad it's so late for me. We got back around 1:30 a.m. I finally went to bed around 3:00 a.m. I still got to work close to 6:00 a.m. Boy, I'm tired. It's so much fun, I want to ride on more Midnight Ridazz rides, but I'm killing myself.


  1. Don't overdo it. You won't be able to afford to ride if you can't go to work. Perhaps you should pace yourself on the rides. Practice several times a week, but only go with them every other time?

  2. sounds like a serious group! i'm sure you will fit right in with the best of them before long. and if you're going to be out at 3:00 in the morning, there are worse things you could be doing...

  3. Abbagirl74,

    Thanks for the good advice. I need to cut back on the midnight rides 'cuz they're making me supertired. Even if I got more cycling training in, I don't think it'll help much if I'm sleep deprived.


    Hopefully, I'll become fast enough to pass them soon. When I do, I'll feel confident enough to get good times in triathlons.


    I don't know what you're talking about. It sounds like a scam to me.

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Awwww, what a nice Wolf Pack, helping you with your tire and all. ;) lol

  5. Yeah, the Wolfpack is a bunch of nice guys who like to ride at midnight.
