Monday, October 15, 2007

Mikey the Champ

Mikey is pretty good for a 5 year old kid. He got a bronze medal in the boxing training game. He kicked my butt.


  1. Holy Mackeral! Mikey's got FOCUS. Kids do rule when it comes to technology. It's cool that there are things like th Wii that keep things active.

  2. Yeah, Mikey is pretty good at games. He beats me up when we play the boxing game together. I need to train more in order to be a better fighter.

  3. That kid is too cute!

  4. Yeah, lucky lil' kid Mikey gets that a lot.

  5. Jeff's addicted to Tiger Woods' golf. He's been playing PS3 non-stop for the past couple of weeks.

    Mikey's got skills!

  6. I want a PS3 too!

    I want Mikey to be a pro gamer when he grows up.

    Professional gamers are treated like celebrities in Korea.
