Monday, October 29, 2007

Midnight Ridazz

On Friday Night, after work, I biked with Critical Mass Los Angeles. I'm not sure if we reached "critical mass", but it was still fun and interesting anyway. I think there were almost 50 riders or so. We met in Koreatown and biked to Hollywood. I met some cool people who love to ride. I made friends with a guy named Leslie.

People join in Critical Mass rides for various reasons. Now there are Critical Mass rides all over the world. I ride because I love bikes and riding with other people.

We didn't cause too much traffic. We just took up one lane.

Later on, we joined up with the Midnight Ridazz for the Halloween Ride. That was a blast! I estimate that there were 500 riders that night. A lot of them were dressed up in goofy or scary outfits. It was a huge party on wheels as we biked around Downtown L.A. and the surrounding vicinity. There were so many of us, that we took up the entire road many times. Even though the group has an alternative or underground vibe, there are tons of people there that just love to bike. All they did really was bike through town. No laws were broken, except going through stop lights to keep all the riders together. Several times, cops stopped traffic for us to let us go through.

A couple of guys dressed as bananas did have a fake banana split fight. Overall, everyone was on their best behavior. A few guys did eat it on the road though. They'll have some road rash, but it didn't look to bad. We got honked at a lot from drivers, some to show their support and others to show their impatience. There were a lot of people dressed up in great outfits, but I didn't get a shot of everyone. First of all, my camera sucks at night. Second of all, my photography skills suck. Lastly, I didn't know these people so I didn't want to go around taking pictures of all these strangers.

I want to go on more rides, but I'm afraid they ride at way past my bedtime. I'm supertired the next morning. Plus, I have to get to work early in the morning on weekdays. I'll just try to go when I can.


  1. It looked like so much fun!! Just be careful dude.

  2. Yeah, I had tons of fun! I will try and be careful. Thanks.

  3. you got pictures! that was cool to see. i take it you weren't in costume. the banana split fight sounds hilarious.

  4. Maybe I'll take more pictures next time of people in their costumes on bikes. That will be cool to see. I got to make friends with them first.

    I was dressed as a road biker.

    The banana split fight was funny. One guy was dressed in a banana outfit and then another guy shows up. Everyone starts yelling that there's another banana. Each banana is peeved that another person is wearing the same costume as the other and they start going at it. Well, it was all in good fun.
