Monday, October 15, 2007

Healthy Neighborhood Fair

I took Mikey to the Healthy Neighborhood Fair on Saturday. I wanted to take him to Toys 'R Us and to a car show also, but there just wasn't enough time since I had so many other things to take care of too. There are just too many choices. Too many things to do and see and not enough time to experience everything. I was also thinking about going on a couple of different bike rides too. Also, the Miramar Air Show was in town. Oh well. There's always next time. Hopefully.

I still had fun with my nephew Mikey. He seemed to have fun at the fair too. We had tasty sandwiches and healthy Asian Chicken Salads among other things.

Mikey was pretty good at hula hooping, but every time I tried to videotape him, he didn't do it too long. Isn't that always the case?

There were a lot of different things for kids to see and do. They dealt mostly with nutrition and sports.


  1. I would take more hours in my day too. It's cool that you live in such an active area. The fair looks and sounds like it was a lot of fun:)

  2. I wish I could freeze time and sleep and do everything. Oh well.

    I still have a lot of places to go on my list. More stuff to come soon. Except I've got to work a lot of overtime this week and maybe next week too.

  3. I love that kid's hair!

  4. Abbagirl74,

    Really? You do? I think I liked it better when he had straight hair.

  5. Nah, I like his hair now. Too cute.

  6. I used to have curly hair like that naturally when I was his age. I still have wavy hair, but I like having short hair. It's more aerodynamic and more manageable.
