Thursday, September 20, 2007

Party at the Elevate Lounge

Last night, we had an office party at the new and ultracool Elevate Lounge in Downtown L.A. The food was delicious and the drinks were smooth. We had a nice view of downtown and Century City. Everyone had a good time. Some people had too much fun.


  1. oh, to party with the beautiful people in the city of angels, no less;)

  2. I love to party, but had to restrain myself somewhat because I couldn't get too wild in front of people at work.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Always a few people at the company party who let loose a little too much. lol

  4. I guess I'm one of them.

  5. that's one of the best parts about the company party: you can either let lose and forget about it, or you watch your coworkers letting lose which is almost as much fun:)

  6. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I'm a lush and if I drank at a party, there'd be no turning back. At our company Christmas party last year, there was a two drink max. What?!?

  7. Portia,

    I want to see everyone get wild and crazy at parties.


    I want to see what happens to you when you get drunk at parties.

  8. Cool pictures!!!!! :)
    Getting blitzed at office parties? yeah, I usually save that for my hubby's parties...:)
    Glad you had a good time!!

  9. Crusty,

    I wouldn't want to embarrass my spouse at her workplace. I don't want her to get in trouble. I just want to have a good time. No, a GREAT time!
