Saturday, September 29, 2007

Heart Walk L.A.

I got my ass kicked at the Heart Walk in Los Angeles. Well, not really. It was right after I got to the top of the rock climbing wall on the hardest level that I felt like I got a really good work out. Man, I need to work out my arms more. I was always good at climbing, but haven't climbed anything in years. Those rock climbers who climb to the top of really high peaks must be really strong. I also need to lose some weight, because my arms were shaking when I tried to lift myself up to the next grip I could reach. And I really needed to reach far.

Anyway, the Heart Walk was pretty fun. Pat Harvey, a news anchor, from KTLA Channel 9 News was there to kick off the event.

I also got a lot of goodies. I got so much, that my fingers started hurting because the bag was so heavy. Maybe that's why I had a hard time climbing the rock wall. Yeah, that's it. It was the heavy bags full of goodies.

It was really nice doing the 5K walk through Exposition Park and the Rose Garden. Next time, I'm going to run it and see how many laps I can do before the last person finishes.


  1. That sounds like a good goal to have, running laps to see how many you can do. Looks like a fun day!

  2. I love passing people whether it's driving, cycling, running, or even walking.

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    David, have you thought about getting a blog geared more toward posting photos? You post such awesome photos. They deserve to be seen in more detail.

  4. MiYon,

    Thanks for the nice comments. I might make a new blog, but right now, I'm so busy with this one. You can click on the pictures to see the photos in full size. I made the pictures smaller so that my page will load a little faster. Otherwise, there'd be tons of pictures and I don't want to overwhelm anyone.

  5. that is so nice that this particular walk sent you through gardens- and such beautiful ones! around here, they are often at a track or on the streets. nice.

  6. Portia,

    Yeah, it was a good walk. I want to do it again next year. Except this time, I'm going to run it...2x!

  7. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I'm not trying to be pushy but you and your visitors would benefit so much more from a photo blog. I could help set it up.

  8. MiYon,

    Sure! Would the photo blog be essentially my personal blog so that I wouldn't have to maintain two blogs? Or the photo blog could be linked to my personal blog if it could be easily viewed. Anyway, thanks in advance for your help.
