Monday, September 10, 2007

Community Yard Sale

On Saturday, September 8, 2007, I went to the community yard sale in my town. I sold our stuff for supercheap. I was getting tired due to lack of sleep and I didn't want to stand around in the hot sun any longer. I sold some of my books, junk, and clothes for $1.00; many times for only a few cents. Sometimes, I sold a bundle of clothes for only a buck. We had to make room for newer clothes and stuff in our apartment.

I'm not sure that the yard sale was worth the effort and time. Next time, I'm just going to donate all my junk to a charity.

I think I only made around $20 or less for a few hours of work. Other people seemed like yard sale pros. They had tables, chairs, tents, and lots of merchandise set up.

Earlier in the day, I almost got a speeding ticket around 4:00 a.m. after dropping my parents off at the airport for their Alaska cruise. I saw this car speeding up to me and thought it was a cop. It turned out it was. He followed me and then pulled up to the left side of me. Then he went behind me again and followed me for a long time. Finally, after seeing that I'm a nice guy (maybe), the cop took off somewhere else. I lucked out this time, but this is the reason that I should not get a very fast sports car. If I had a Ferrari or something, I'd be getting tickets all the time. With every car I get, I like to see what the car can do.

I'm so tired these days, because of lack of sleep from doing too many things. I should have gotten some rest this weekend, but I love cars so much that I just went to the BMW Ultimate Drive event this weekend anyway. The adrenaline from driving these cars hard kept me awake.


  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Work can be a drain. Don't overdo yourself.

    Yard sales are a pain in butt. They're not worth the trouble of advertising, setting up, and then sitting around all day for a few extra bucks. Next time, put all of the stuff in some boxes, set them out on the curb, and it'll be gone in a matter of minutes. lol

  2. MiYon,

    Yeah, next time I'll just donate my stuff.

  3. i am having one in a couple of weeks. it is a huge pain and i have been debating whether it will be worth it, but i think i will give it a go.

  4. Portia,

    It's a lot of work for not that much money. I guess you could try it if you haven't done it before. There's always a first time for everything.
