Monday, August 06, 2007

At the Movies

On Saturday, we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum with church friends (James, Grace, Sarah, Sarah, Sharon, Feni, Andy, Alex, Fong).

I ate a Double Double from In-N-Out in about 2 minutes since we had to rush to get to the movies on time.

Regarding The Bourne Ultimatum, I think it was the best movie of 2007 so far. It had great action that left me sitting at the edge of my seat the whole time. It seemed like such a smart spy flick, even though none of it was real or even possible. I would totally volunteer to be in the top secret Blackbriar/Treadstone project if it made me supersmart and strong. There were a lot of big movies in 2007 (mostly sequels and remakes), but there weren't too many great movies like this one. This movie is why we go to the movies.


  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I could never get immersed into the Bourne movies. Jeff's a big fan. But I do like Matt Damon. Hubba hubba hubba!

  2. i love the bourne movies! can't wait to see this one.

  3. The Bourne movies are great! I'd think it'd be fun being a spy/assassin. Well, maybe not the assassin part, but it would be cool being able to fight like that. For self-defense of course.....
