Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mountain Biking Rules

On Saturday, June 30, my friend, Hui, and I went mountain biking at the Gabrielino Trail in Pasadena near JPL (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Canada). We had a fun time riding through the many stream-crossings along the trail. I fell on some rocks though. My wound didn't seem that bad until I got home and found out it was infected. Nasty. My wife gave me some antibiotics. It still hurts a little bit. Can't wait to ride again.


  1. sounds like fun! (except for the busting up your leg part. thank goodness for your wife!)

  2. Mountain biking is so much fun! Yeah, I'm glad I have a wife to take care of me. :)

    But, she yells at me first for being so dangerous. :(

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Ew, man. At least you didn't post a picture of your infection.

  4. Miyon,

    LOL! I was going to post a picture of my infection too. Aren't you glad I didn't?
