Monday, July 23, 2007

Eaton Canyon

On Saturday, July 21, 2007, Sarah and I went hiking in Eaton Canyon in Pasadena. It's a nice hike and pretty close by too.


  1. looks like an awesome hike! our mountains would be foothills over there on the west coast.
    your pictures remind me of my collection...of my husband & i taking pictures of each other. we hardly have any with both of us! still got to capture those moments:)

  2. Portia,

    We've got to be less shy and ask other people to take pictures of us more. Then, we can enjoy the pictures of us as a couple later.

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Nice shirt, dork. KIDDING. I only josh 'cause I like you. :D Cool photos. We used to hike a lot when we lived in Boulder, CO. We'd strap Claire (she was only a baby then) into her baby hiking thingamabob and off we'd go with our walking sticks we got from the Renaissance Fair. Sigh. Can't do much of that now that we're in SD.

  4. Miyon,

    Hey! What's wrong with my shirt?!!!
