Friday, July 20, 2007

Almost Rear-Ended

I almost got rear-ended yesterday, and by that I mean car accident, not prison break. I was driving on the 101 transition from the 60 and 5 freeways. Traffic was going about 60 mph and the cars ahead of me come to a complete stop. I stop too, but the pick-up truck behind me skids for a few seconds. I thought I was going to get hit, but he swerves into the number 2 lane at the last second before hitting me from behind. Then, he cuts up ahead several cars in front of me like nothing happened. Dang L.A. drivers are crazy! I could have ended up in the hospital. That would not be good.


  1. yikes, glad you're OK. traffic here is bad, especially around northern VA & DC, but nothing like LA!!

  2. LA traffic sucks! LA's drivers are even worse!

  3. Anonymous12:11 AM

    yea glad u didn't get hit, I almost got hit too on the way to LA myself a couple of wks ago. A guy was just going to fast and following too closely, I was in the fast lane, when the lane was merging, I saw him in my rear view mirrow and new to get in the other lane. He actually said he was sorry thru his open window. I was gonna flip him the bird but didn't I was too busy looking at the way how he was trying to apologize. and busy trying to keep an eye on the frwy. I kinda like the LA driving though, lol...

  4. Annie,

    I'm glad you're okay too. It's funny how people get so mad at someone when they're driving, but a small gesture like saying sorry can defuse your anger so quickly. People should be nicer like that and maybe there'd be less road rage.
