Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Stupid Buses!

On Sunday, I biked to church. I saw the L.A. Bike Tour in Downtown L.A. I biked with some of the cyclists for a couple blocks. There was a sea of cyclists so it was tough crossing over to the other side of the street. Andy Nagai rode in the L.A. Bike Tour. I loved how the streets were all blocked off. I could blow through all the intersections without worrying about any cars.

On my way back home, I crashed into a traffic sign, because a stupid bus made a left turn right in front of me at an intersection. The bus was heading south on Broadway Street when it made a left on to Cesar Chavez on a red light. Then it stopped a short distance away at the intersection of Spring Street right in front of me to pick up busriders. I was tearing down Cesar Chavez going east when I saw that the bus was about to cut me off. I squeezed the brakes, but I kept sliding forward and went right into an island in the road. I slammed into a yellow street sign with my right shoulder and back. My rear wheel bent a little bit and my bike chain came off, but otherwise I was okay. I was more mad than anything else. Stupid bus driver! You can still see the bent yellow traffic sign at the southwest corner of Cesar Chavez and Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles. Now, I need to get my wheels trued.

I had a hard time going home since I was sore and tired. My biggest problem was the sunscreen and sweat that kept dripping into my eyes. My nose kept running and I had my eyes closed for half my ride home. That was a tough and long ride back home. From now on, I'm not putting sunscreen on my face and arms.


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'm all for biking and all, but it made of mess of things here in my town, because there were lots of detours I had to make, while working. It made it almost impossible for me to work, cause I drive everywhere- be safe David!


  2. I'll try to be safe, but you know, Danger is my middle name!
