Friday, March 02, 2007

First, I'd like to thank god and all my fans for helping me win this award. I want to thank my wife, Sarah, for supporting me throughout my crazy stages and for making me censor some of my own blog posts. She really helped me from going overboard with some material and from losing even more friends. If it wasn't for her, I would have offended everybody, even though I didn't really care at the time.

Thanks to all my friends and family for your continued support and for giving me something to blog about.

I want to thank Google and and the almighty Internet. Without you, I would have no blog.

I don't want to forget to thank anyone, even all the little insignificant people in my life, but due to limited time and the fact that I don't remember all your names, I'll leave it at that.

I hope to improve even more and live up to your high expectations you have placed upon me with this award.

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