Monday, August 07, 2006

Resting in the shade. I feel a lot faster on the road on my triathlon bike than on my mountain bike. Since it's very light, efficient, and aerodynamic, I feel like I'm cutting through the wind. With every stroke of the pedal, I can feel it transfering it into a burst of power. I estimate that I'm getting a boost of 5-6 mph over my mountain bike on flat roads. On downhills, it's much faster. On uphills, I feel very quick and nimble. Even on flats, I can maintain a higher cruising speed for much longer. My only complaints so far is that it's hard on my back when I'm riding hunched over in aero tuck position. I also feel muscles burning in my legs, perhaps because I'm riding in a different position. Triathlon bikes are different from road bikes because their geometry is designed to be more aerodynamic and also less draining on muscles used for running. They will help save your legs for the final running portion of the triathlon.  Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Nah. We just bike around the park for a little bit. Nothing too strenuous. I want to train her to run a marathon, but I feel bad since she's always complaining about her legs being in pain after standing all day at work. I can't ask her to run and exercise after she's so tired from work.
