Wednesday, July 05, 2006

This past Monday, July 3, 2006, Andy Nagai and I went road biking at Glendora Mountain Road. It was road bike heaven! The road is blocked off to cars for several miles. After we got to the other side of the mountain, we were able to take in breathtaking views of Crystal Lake. After 8 miles or so, the road lead to a fork in the road, one road lead to East Fork and the other road lead to Mt. Baldy Village. Since the road opened up to cars via another connecting road, we decided to head back since we didn't want to deal with any cars. The way back was pure adrenaline and speed. We reached speeds of over 37 miles an hour on twisty mountain roads. It took an hour or two to get up, but only a few minutes to get back down. I need to get another road bike. I lead the way going up, but he was a speed demon on the way down. His road bike had obvious advantages. His blade thin tires and giant gears helped him to burn up the road. He hardly pedaled on the way down. I was spinning like a maniac just to keep up. If I get a time trial bike with monster gears for downhills, I could probably go over 40 miles an hour. I once reached 50 miles an hour on a long downhill in San Diego on my mountain bike. Posted by Picasa

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