Saturday, July 15, 2006

Oh no! My beautiful Hyundai!

Last Sunday, July 9, 2006, my parent's neighbor backed up into our Hyundai after I finished washing it. Dang it!! She smashed the driver's side door. Well, at least it wasn't my brand spankin' lookin' 240 hp Honda Accord EX V-6. If she smashed into that car, I'd be freakin' out. Since it was our Hyundai, I didn't care as much since it was kinda beat up anyway. That thing is an accident magnet. All these people ram into it and take off. There's a big dent on the passenger side too from last year.

When I went to talk to her, she started getting defensive. She made outrageous arguments like how I was partially to blame for parking there. Ha! I said that that had nothing to do with how the accident happened. I just finished washing the car and it's okay to park there in order to do that. Then, her husband said that I parked there too long and how it's against the homeowner's association CC&R's. He said he was a cop and I said that I was an attorney. I said that I didn't want to fight since we're neighbors. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my door fixed.


  1. Did you get your car fixed?'

    And are you still in good terms
    with your neighbors?????


  2. I didn't get my car fixed, but I did get a little bit of money from them.

    The car already had some dents and scratches from previous mishaps.
