Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Calves of Steel

Today, when I was biking home, this pretty young girl in a red car shouted, "Hey! You've got calves of steel!!" I felt good. I felt like I got a 5 mph boost to my speed. About a mile later, I passed her again and she shouted, "Go! Go! Go!" That kind of encouragement helps me to ride faster.

I take any compliment I can get. This is far different from the usual honking and crazy rude driving I typically have to experience from other cars. A lot of @$$holes yell curses at me instead when I'm riding. Sometimes, anger helps me to ride faster too. I usually catch up to them at the next light and give them a piece of my mind. I know this kind of bike rage is probably dangerous, but at least it helps relieve some temporary pent-up anger within me. I'm a completely different person when I'm on a bike or in a car.

Anyway, I felt good getting a nice compliment for once. I really felt like I had more horsepower afterwards. I believe I made a record time of 35 minutes when I biked 10 and a half miles from work to my home.

Unfortunately, when I got home, I noticed a small piece of glass in my tire. Scummy bastards throw a lot of their beer bottles on the side of the road and there's always hazards everywhere. Now I have a flat tire, dang it!

About a month ago, a couple of girls were so impressed with my trackstand abilities at the stoplight that they took a picture of me. Maybe, I'll end up on their blog or something.

We need more nice people on the road instead of jerkoffs.

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