Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Idiot Drivers

I hate idiot drivers who blow their car horns at me when I'm biking on the road. Bicyclists have equal rights to the road. They're not supposed to ride on the sidewalks as some people may think. Cars are supposed to slow down and go around bikes or wait until it's safe to pass. They're not supposed to honk at them or run them off the road. Everyday, there are cars that pass me by coming within only inches away from me as they try to pass me by as fast as they can.

This morning, some idiot kept honking at me for no apparent reason other than the fact that he wanted me off the road. What did he want me to do? Stop or get on the sidewalk? Damn him!

Another time, some crazy @$$hole kept trying to run me over. I tried to make him stop to tell him off, but he accelerated even faster trying to really run me over. If I didn't get out of the way in time, he might have hit me and driven off. I wanted to call the cops on that guy, but unfortunately, my myopia prevented me from reading his license plate.

People, please be considerate to cyclists. It's tough enough biking alongside cars. We bicyclists are making this world a better place. We're helping to ease congestion for one thing. We're riding as fast as we can. We don't need rude drivers making our rides more life-threatening than they already are. Did most of these drivers fall asleep during driver's education when they talked about bicycles and about who has the right of way?

California Vehicle Code 21200(a) states: "Every person riding a bicycle upon a highway has all the rights and is subject to all the provisions applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this division. . ."

Drivers are also only supposed to use their horns to avoid emergencies only, not to harass other drivers or cyclists. You're not supposed to use your horn to tell someone to go or speed up.

27001. (a) The driver of a motor vehicle when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation shall give audible warning with his horn.

Section 21750 of the CVC states that drivers are to pass to the left of a cyclist, leaving a SAFE distance, when passing. [All-Caps Added.]

Cyclists can use the full lane of the road to avoid hazardous conditions such as when the roads are too narrow to share with other vehicles.

Drivers should be considerate and not act like jerkoffs, especially to bicyclists. Learn to share the road.

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