Sunday, June 11, 2006


This movie may spell the "doom" for all movies based on videogames.

This movie stars the Rock who leads a group of marines to investigate a series of deaths of scientists on Mars.

In the future, they discover a portal that leads to Mars. I thought that was a cheap way to get out of making spacecraft scenes. Come on! All sci-fi fans love spaceships when you're showing a movie that's set on Mars.

This movie is strictly for the videogame crowd. It's based upon the extremely popular Doom first-person shooter videogames. The older videogamers, like me, may not like it though, because it's highly derivative. I didn't think anything in it was very original.

It's kinda like the movie, Alien.

The funniest line was when The Rock screams out, "I'm not supposed to die!"

The scientists on Mars were conducting experiments on people to add c24, chromosome 24 their DNA. This would make people superhuman. However, people who have bad tendencies would turn into horrible monsters. That's pretty laughable.

The ending turns into a first person videogame. The camera angles are in first person. It's violent like the game, Doom 3. However, I thought scenes like this are best left in videogames. It might have been a ploy to introduce people to first person shooter games, but the overall quality of the movie may turn more people off to games than introduce people to them.

The Highs: Decent action. Good monster effects.

The Lows: Unoriginal plot. Not too exciting for an action movie.

The Verdict: Doom is dumb.

My rating: D for Dumb, 62.

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