Monday, June 05, 2006

Crazy Co-Worker

Annoying voice: David Kim, David Kim, David Kim, David Kim, David Kim, David Kim

Me: That's my name. Don't wear it out.

After a year of hearing my name called out in the most annoying way ever, I finally cracked. Well, I told him to stop doing that several times over the year. I guess I smile when I tell him, so he continued doing it. Last Friday, I told him I was serious and was really frustrated beyond belief. I was not smiling. I was damn irritated. I know your name is supposed to be music to your ears, but not if it's repeatedly said in a weird way like that. I think he generally likes me, but he has developed a weird habit of showing his friendship. Later on, he started pointing fingers at me. I tried to ignore him, but his fingerpointing has gotten closer and closer to my face. He keeps saying my name in an irksome manner, especially when no one else is around. He usually says it quietly so that no one else really hears except me. I know other people have heard him say it too, and they think he's just plain weird.

Finally I told him last Friday afternoon in my exasperated voice: I'm serious!

Co-Worker in an angry voice: Good for you!

Last time I told him and ignored him several months ago, he got mad saying that I was rude. I could feel the negative vibrations emanating from him. Since I didn't want to have any tension with any of my co-workers, I was nicer to him the next day. Then, he started doing it again.

Finally this morning, I moved to another desk on the other side of the office. I should have done it a long time ago. It's much more quieter and peaceful here. My stress levels have gone down tremendously.


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    The guy has a problem. Sounds like he could have OCD, possibly Turret's, or he could just be an ass. Sounds like the last based on what you wrote (especially if he is only doing it to you). Whatever the case, his actions are distracting you from blogging...*cough* err... performing your job and that's something you should not have to tolerate at work. You're a lawyer, so you should know this kind of stuff - employers can get into trouble by tolerating harassment at the workplace. Hopefully the move (too long delayed, btw) to the far desk will help, but if you have more problems take it to your boss and/or human resources and let them do their job. Don't confront him yourself again, since your previous attempts obviously did not work and have only ended in tension.

    Hope it works out.

  2. Thanks, anonymous.

    So far, so good. I just dread the inevitable awkward moments when we have to pass each other in the halls. Hopefully, he'll start acting cool instead of getting pissed off or start acting weird again.

    He just seems to do it to me as though it's his way of showing friendship towards me. He seems to delight in the fact that he gets to bother me to death.

    He doesn't really talk to anyone else that much, except on the phone with his girlfriend all day.
