Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Anonymous Lawyer

Blog of the Day:

This blog was submitted to me by K.C.

It's a very humorous fictional journal about a greedy partner in a big law firm. I didn't think that overworked partners had time to blog, but it makes for a fun read. It's almost as funny as my blog.

You can also check out the website:

It reminds me of the book, "1L" because of its subject matter about the trials and tribulations of being a lawyer.

It also reminds me of the book, "Youth in Revolt" by C.D. Payne due to its hilarious sarcastic writing style and journal type entries.

If you've ever worked in a law firm, you'll get it.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Nice pages here. Great information. Will visit again and recommend.

  2. Thanks for your wonderful comments. Please come by often, Rogers!
