Sunday, June 11, 2006

13 Going on 30

Jennifer Garner stars as a 13 year old girl who turns into a 30 year old woman.

This movie is highly derivative of Tom Hanks' Big. It has its charm because of Jennifer's cute personality, but this movie is strictly for chicks. This should be obvious before you even go see the movie.

I watched it with my wife, Sarah, because she likes girly movies. By the way, my movie reviews will probably be a lot shorter from now on because of work responsibilities.

Anyway, this 13 year old girl who wants to be cool wishes to become "thirty, flirty, and thriving". Some wishing dust makes her dream come true.

She is a young teen growing up in the 80's and loves 80's music. After her wish, she instantly goes into the future when she's 30, which is in 2004. She's a successful magazine editor, but everyone hates her because of her ruthless business tactics. She has a hocky star boyfriend, but realizes she loves her childhood friend. She wishes to go back and changes her life. She marries her childhood sweetheart.

This is too feminine for guys to watch.

The Highs: Jennifer Garner is fun to watch in this role. 80's music.

The Lows: Unoriginal. Too girly and childish.

The Verdict: Girl's version of Big.

My rating: C, 75.

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