Monday, May 01, 2006

There are a lot of hikers here. Watch out when you're speeding down here on your mountain bikes. Unfortunately, a lot of dog lovers bring their constipated dogs up here to go hiking with them. I wish they brought some doggie bags to clean that $%^& up. The last thing I want to do is ride through dogcrap and have it fling up on to me. Also hypocritical horse riders should bring several manure bags to clean up after their horses. These dang horse riders are trying to stop mountain bikers from riding on trails and yet they leave their horse dung everywhere and totally ruin it for the rest of us. Anyway, be very careful riding down this trail. It's pretty steep. Hui flipped his bike over while zooming down at insane speeds. He's a bigger daredevil than I am. Posted by Picasa


  1. In England, they'd be following those horses around and picking up the shit to fertilise their roses.

    Here in Sweden, they'd probably make meatballs.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Hey man ! Your blog is great !!!

    Korean pride for ever !

    Jin Kil. 진 길

  3. Mark Base,

    Man, I thought Swedish meatballs are supposed to be delicious!

    Jin Kil,

    Stay cool.
