Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Scary Movie 4

If you like jokes, this movie keeps throwing them at you nonstop! Of course, some high brow critics may scorn it as being lewd and low class, but you can't help but laugh.

Just like in 3, this movie lampoons several contemporary movies and pop culture icons. I think it's a good sign when Hollywood can still keep its sense of humor. They need to be able to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously.

As you guys may know, all my reviews contain spoilers.

In the introductory scene, Shaq and Dr. Phil are trapped in the nasty bathroom from Saw and Saw II. Jigsaw says that they are there because they like to play games with people. Now, Shaq has to shoot free throws to save their lives, but he kept missing. Dr. Phil starts throwing a tantrum, because Shaq kept missing them. Dr. Phil begins crying in frustration and later reveals that he's not even a real psychologist, but he's actually an electrician. Dr. Phil then starts cutting off his foot to escape, but after he finishes sawing it off, he finds out it's the wrong foot. I like the fact that these celebrities can make fun of themselves. It's admirable that people can laugh at their own self-depracating humor instead of getting angry with people who criticize them.

The movie also heavily spoofs on the plots of The War of the Worlds, The Grudge, and The Village.

In the Grudge parody, Charlie Sheen plays the professor who commits suicide. He gets out of bed one morning, and there are triplets who get out of bed with him. He tries to kill himself by swallowing a bottle of pills, but it turns out to be a bottle of Viagra. His dick becomes enormous. A cat sinks its claws into his giant shaft and he tries to shake the cat off. Then, he jumps off the building, but his penis still remains firm after it broke the ground below.

There was also a Brokeback Mountain joke, with two black gay cowboys.

This movie was a gagfest galore.

They did a good job with the set designs. The environments in the movie looked exactly like the original movies they tried to spoof.

In the Million Dollar Baby parody, Anna Faris plays a boxer who goes up against a Mike Tyson lookalike. When she starts falling to the mat, everybody starts falling and breaking their necks too in slow motion.

They also made fun of Tyson's ear-biting fiasco as he chewed off everyone's ears and then threw them into a big pile of ears.

In the War of the Worlds scene, giant Apple iPods (a spoof of the alien tripods) started destroying the planet.

The movie's main theme was about aliens vs. ghosts again like in 3.

In The Grudge sequence, Anna Faris talks with Catboy in Japanese. Well, not really. All they do is start naming Japanese electronics, automobile makes, and sushi. "Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Fujitsu, sashimi, hibatchi." The English translations of what they're talking about are in the subtitles. It's typical crude humor you might hear among white-trash rednecks when talking about orientals.

The Scary Movie series aren't about being politically correct. They poke fun at everything, but they do it with such light-heartedness, even those they offend will probably laugh it off.

The comedy is similar to the satire in The Simpsons and Mad Magazine. It's easy to criticize this type of film, but there's a ton of wit in here that many critics fail to appreciate. This will never win an Oscar, but if you want to laugh and if you love movies, then, this will definitely tickle your funny bone.

They did a good job of tying in all the plots from their source material to come up with a creative ending.

The Highs: Tons of great parodies. Funny for those who have a great sense of humor. Fast paced. A lot of effort went in to recreating the scenes of the movies they're making fun of. The slapstick comedy is well timed.

The Lows: Lots of low-brow adolescent toilet humor. Hit and miss jokes. Seeing Leslie Neilson's naked wrinkled ass.

The Verdict: May the Farce be with You.

My rating: B, 84.

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