Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Scary Movie 3

This movie is all about ridiculous slap stick satire of other contemporary movies and pop culture. It's not bad if you like parodies, and I happen to like them. It's not an intellectual movie at all, unless you think satire is a witty form of humor, which I do. It's crass and filled with adolescent potty jokes, but dirty jokes are the funniest jokes, right? This movie is all about stupid silly fun. It appeals to the lowest common denominator. Since I'm not pretentious as other movie critics, it suits me just fine.

The movie starts off with Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy having a slumber party. Pamela Anderson's giant fake silicone-laden boobs protrude profusely throughout the introductory scene. At least, she has a good enough sense of humor to make fun of herself. When Pamela asks Jenny if she's watched a weird videotape, Jenny McCarthy inquires whether she's talking about the videotape of a guy with a big johnson and a girl on a boat doing it together. Pamela says no, not that one. She tells her about a videotape with disturbing images and after you watch it, seven days later, the phone rings and you get killed.

The Ring and Ring 2 are one of the main movies spoofed in this film.

If you watch a lot of movies and like parodies, then this movie is funny. It's stupidly funny, but nevertheless it entertains. It's better than recent Saturday Night Live skits by far. SNL stopped being funny a long time ago. Those skits drag on and on.

If you don't watch a lot of movies, then you won't get a lot of the jokes, so you'll hate it.

Some of the other movies that are heavily lampooned are Signs, 8 Mile, Sixth Sense, and Matrix Reloaded.

There's a lot of physical comedy violence against the little boy in the movie. He constantly gets hit by a car, gets beat up accidentally with wooden sticks, and gets hit by a ceiling fan. The split second before he gets hit with the ceiling fan as he is being lifted up by Simon Rex playing George was the freakiest. I thought his head was going to be decapitated.

As another farce about the recent ongoing Catholic priest molestations, a Catholic priest shows up as a babysitter who is very happy to see the little boy. The priest brings in candles and wine, insinuating a molestation moment.

8 Mile

George (Simon Rex) spoofs Eminem in 8 Mile.

Simon Rex: I have a dream.
Charlie Sheen: What's your dream?
Simon Rex: To have a dream.

Then, he enters a rap battle with Fat Joe.

Simon's Rap: Now everybody in the 202, throw your hands in the air 'cause Fat Joe is through / Now everybody in the 202, throw 'em up! Check it out / I'm a white boy, but my neck is red / I put Miracle Whip on my Wonder Bread / My face is pale, nah, I've never been in jail / Me and Buffy spend every winter at Vail / How many bitches have I slapped? Zero. Unh! / And Martha Stewart happens to be my hero / I grew up on a farm and I was born with no rhythm / Dr. Phil's my uncle and I like to hang with him / I can't dance / I wear khaki pants / My middle name's Lance / My Grandma's from France / So maybe I'm wack / 'Cause my skin ain't black / But you can't talk smack / 'Cause whitey just struck back

After his rap battle, he puts on his hooded jacket. Only this time, his hood happens to look very pointy like a Ku Klux Klan hood. This does not impress the whitey-hatin' black gangstas.

The Hours

In a parody of The Hours, Charlie Sheen beats up Michael Jackson as he takes off the white sheet he is under. Michael's nose comes off and they find that someone was really just wearing a Michael Jackson costume. They suspect it's the aliens that are trying to invade the planet.

Leslie Nielson plays the President of the United States. There's a lot of insensitive low class crass jokes such as beating up handicapped children and blowing up a poster of Mother Theresa, but the whole light-heartedness of the movie let's it escape without receiving too much public outcry. President Leslie Nielson wonders during this time of crisis, what President Ford would do. He stands next to a framed picture of Harrison Ford, perhaps, insinuating that Harrison Ford should run for President in the future or a parody of Ford playing POTUS in the movie Air Force One.

Simon Cowell from American Idol also appears in the 8 Mile scene when he complains about how bad their rapping was. He then gets blown away by hundreds of gunshots to the chest. At least, Simon Cowell has the ability to laugh at himself. He knows the public loves to hate him and embraces that sentiment. Being America's most hated snootiest Briton has made him into a multi-millionaire.

After watching a trailer, you'll know whether this movie is for you or not. I like David Zucker's Airplane! That's a classic. The first Naked Gun was good too.

The Highs: Hilarious parodies of recent movies. An endless stream of fast-paced gags, one-liners, and non-sequitur situations. Tons of poop jokes.

The Lows: Terrible acting (perhaps, intentional?). Tons of poop jokes. Offensive. Insensitive. Sometimes, you have to sit through a lot of stupid immature garbage before hitting the funny stuff.

The Verdict: So stupid it's Scary!

My Rating: B, 82.

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