Monday, May 22, 2006

On Sunday, May 21, 2006, Sarah and I went to Albert Siu, Esq.'s wedding. It was at the Hilton Hotel in Universal City. It was a lovely outdoor wedding. It drizzled slightly, but fortunately, it didn't rain. At the reception, we were served a 9-course traditional Shanghai-style Chinese dinner. We ate for about 2 hours. It was good, 'cuz I'm just used to eating Orange Chicken at Panda Express. They interspersed different wedding activities like the toasts, flower and garter toss, and a win the centerpiece game, in between the courses. This was a good way to get people to stay throughout the whole evening. We should have done that at our wedding, because a lot of people just took off after eating and didn't stay for our other activities like the dance we had planned. Posted by Picasa

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