Thursday, April 13, 2006

XXXtreme Downhill Lugeboarding

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I'm so angry at myself for accidentally deleting my best downhill bomb run that I got on video. This was at a different hill. That would have been XXXXtreme, but you'll just have to watch this one instead. I wish there were no cars in front of me and behind me. I wish I had green lights all the way down too. It's hard to make a perfectly smooth run due to all these cars and stoplights.

In the middle of my run, I ran out of steam. At the top of the hill, I kept waiting for these cars to pass me so that I could start my descent, but they kept coming. It prevented me from getting a fast and smooth start. I had to skate up to the next downhill due to the slower start. It wasn't as smooth of a run as I would have liked to have made and videotaped.

If you have any suggestions for good hills for me to go down, let me know. I want to conquer every hill. Just drive me to the top of a very long hill so that I don't have to walk the whole way up. Maybe, I should walk all the way up a long hill or mountain. I sure do need the exercise these days.

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