Monday, April 10, 2006

We've been driving around the entire L.A. County to find a nice home to buy. All the homes are either way too expensive or crappy. A lot of times they're both. I can't believe how frustrating it is to find a decent affordable home. Who can buy a house during these times of crazy real estate prices? We're both professionals and we still can't find a decent single family home to buy. Are all the people buying homes extremely wealthy or are they all getting interest-only loans? Here's a picture of one townhome we stopped by to look at in Glendale. I thought it was one of our better prospects. It was a 3 bedroom for about $550,000. It's not that big, but it's close by the Galleria. Other townhomes are more expensive. Cheaper ones are right next to the freeway. Single family homes we've looked at are old nasty money-pits, but they're still really expensive. What should first time buyers do? Posted by Picasa

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