Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring Waltz

"Spring Waltz". ("Bohm Eh Waltz").

This Korean video that my wife likes to watch, and which I sometimes watch after washing the dishes and stuff, is about two childhood sweethearts that promise they'll always love each other.

She tells him, "Even though you become a gangster or a liar, I'll always love you." Now that's unconditional love.

Well, as always after the first episode, they grow up. After years of being separated, the sweetheart boy and sweetheart girl meet again. The boy was adopted by a rich family, and he never was able to see her again until recently. But now that they're all grown up and after many years have passed, they don't even recognize each other. This new Korean dude from America ("Konglish dude" or "Kyoppo"), who can't speak a jack's worth of Korean, meets sweetheart girl and falls in love with her. The Korean American Konglish dude is sweetheart boy's best friend. However, the sweetheart boy starts falling in love with the girl too. What should he do? He has to respect his best friend, but at the same time he loves this beautiful hottie too. Sometimes, all's fair in love and war. You have to do what you have to do for love. Konglish stud can't believe his best friend betrayed him. But at the same time, there's this other chick that loves the Konglish stud and she's jealous of the girl. She wants Konglish stud all for herself. Meanwhile sweetheart girl is confused. Why are all the boys after me? Do they just like me for my drop dead gorgeous looks? What do they want from me? While each of them tries to answer their own universe shattering questions, will the forces of nature ever reunite sweetheart boy and girl together? Will sweetheart boy and sweetheart girl ever discover that they were long lost childhoood sweethearts? Stay tuned and find out! Posted by Picasa

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