Monday, April 10, 2006

Nothing Will Be Impossible With God

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Here's a short clip of our 2nd Grade Sunday School kids singing the song, "Nothing Will Be Impossible With God". The song is about god, not Kim Possible. For some strange reason, there's a lot of people looking for bizarre lewd Kim Possible videos and pictures on my site.

We had a bunch of kids missing this past Sunday. They must be partying hard during spring break or something. I will take some more pictures of the kids when they're all here. I kinda put the kids on the spot when I videotaped them, because our kids don't really like to sing these songs that much. It's a new song. They like to sing songs that they've heard before.

They weren't very hyper because Sarah was there. Whenever she's there, the kids behave. When I'm teaching by myself, they're super hyper.

When Sarah told them to not act hyper during class, Austin "Sugarboy" said, "But I'm not acting crazy today." He's always a funny kid. When Sarah said that god has the power to heal, she asked them what powers they wished they had.

Austin said, "I wish I had super speed."

Sarah: Why?

Austin: So that I can save the world.

The kids start laughing.

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