Monday, April 17, 2006

Chris and Seung eating a ton of meat at Manna Korean BBQ. We had Cha Dohl Bae Gi (thinly sliced beef), Sam Gyub Ssal (Korean style bacon), and Gal Bi (Korean ribs). It's good to see that Chris can eat a lot more food now. He's finally getting his money's worth at all-you-can-eat places. He used to eat like a bird. He becomes starved every 30 minutes, but only needs to eat a few bites to get full. I'm like a camel. I can go for long periods without food and then pig out until my stomach becomes like a camel hump. I think I can survive out in the wilderness for a long time. I have an SUV-sized gas tank for a stomach which is all nicely packed in the sleek sports car body of mine. Seung has the biggest pectoral muscles out of all the Koreans I know. He loves kissing his 20" pythons after working out. He's a bodybuilder with a heart of gold.  Posted by Picasa

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