Thursday, April 06, 2006

Can Love Be Refeeled?

Can Love Be Refeeled? Refilled? (Sarang Do Refeel Ee Dae Nah Yo?) That title is so Fobby. (F.O.B.=Fresh off the Boat. Meaning recent immigrant to the United States. Kids of old school immigrants use this term to mock fobs who come here with disdain b/c they suck at English.) This Korean Drama is about this girl who has to choose between her old flame and her new lover.

The old flame challenges her new lover to basketball, swimming, racquetball, and boxing contests, but he gets his ass kicked.

"Which one should I choose? The new guy is smarter, better looking, and pretty much better at everything than my old ex, but I still have feelings for the bastard."

I suspect, judging from the title, we already know who she'll choose. But, it's still going to take about a hundred episodes or so to find out. After all, the answers to life and love's difficult questions doesn't get solved that easily, am I right? Posted by Picasa

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