Monday, March 27, 2006

Rage Against the Machine

Laundry machine, that is.

This past Friday, Sarah and I went to the coin laundry to wash our blankets. This one washing machine stole $3.50 and a different machine stole another 50 cent.

Dang those machines! They're thieves. There were so many times when coin operated machines stole my money. I can't even break into them to get my money back, because that would be considered destruction of property.

We spent about $30 at the laundromat, because we washed all our blankets and sheets for spring cleaning.

Fortunately, I've never had any problems with bank ATM machines. . . . . Knock on wood.

What if an ATM machine deducted $200 from my bank account, but shortchanged me $20? That would suck.

I prefer dealing with real human beings. That way, I can quickly ask for help if there's a mistake or something. Although, you can't completely trust bank tellers either. One time, when I was getting coins for my parents' business, a bank teller shortchanged me by not giving me a roll of $10 in quarters. Never leave the bank without making sure you get the correct amount of money.

I got sick again this weekend too. I was recovering from a flu last week, but I got even more sick since my body was in a weakened condition. My eyes are red, my head hurts, and I have a sore throat. I'm struggling to stay awake.

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