Friday, March 31, 2006

Rage Against the Librarian

I love the library, but you have to make sure that the books you return have been scanned in. I checked out some Car and Driver magazines a few weeks ago, and I got a notice saying that one of the magazines I checked out was still due.

As you know, I always return everything right away. I'm pretty anal. I always show up early to work, to meetings, and to see friends. I pay my bills the same day I get them in the mail. When I return library books, I return them way in advance of the due date.

Now, they have the audacity to say that I never turned in the magazine! If I didn't get that notice, I might have accured late charges for decades just like that one guy who had $10,000 in library late charges for a book he checked out 40 years ago as a kid.

Now, I have to pay for their mistake. That's totally unfair.

I always hand my library books to the librarian, because of my experiences in the past. Several times over my lifetime, the library has said that they didn't get my books when I turned them in.

Never turn in your books at the Return Box. There's a good chance that it won't be scanned in and you'll be the one to pay for it.

Now, I have to ask the librarian for a printout of the books I return to make absolutely certain that I returned them.

This goes for other places like Blockbuster's Video too. Those guys don't know what they're doing nor do they care.

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