Monday, March 20, 2006

L.A. Marathon

Los Angeles Marathon Posted by Picasa

This Sunday, March 19, 2005, was the L.A. Marathon. When we arrived at church before the 8:00 am service, I saw these Korean grandmas that parked their cars below Olympic. They parked below Olympic at the Hannam Chain supermarket. BSBC is on the north side of Olympic. These Korean (halmunis) grandmas tried to cross Olympic when there was a sea of bicyclists riding through. All these cyclists started making evasive manuevers to avoid them. Some of them fell down. The grandmas made it to the other side safely and none of the cyclists were hurt, thankfully. When I went to tell my wife what happened, I started laughing.

I want to ride my bike at next year's L.A. Marathon. A long time ago, I wanted to run in it, but I'm so out of shape right now. I think I'll bike it next year and try to run it the year after. But, I've been putting it off for so long, it's just going to be harder and harder for me to do it.

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