Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend in Review

Health Problems

Lately, I've been having poo problems on top of the pee problems I've been having. I've been having to go to the bathroom a lot recently. I can't even get enough sleep because I keep waking up in the middle of the night to go pee. Now, I think I have IBS problems too. Crap! It's really uncomfortable and embarrassing. Life is miserable. This is only the beginning of my problems though. I've still got much bigger worries right now that are weighing me down a lot. So, I'm still in a terrible mood these days. My health problems are nothing compared to the serious problems I've been facing recently. Maybe, my health problems are a result of the stress I'm going through right now.

Anyway, I went to see another doctor to get treatment for my health problems. I tried to give him my fecal sample. Unfortunately, at that time, I only had a small amount come out. It looked like rabbit droppings. The doctor said that that was not enough. Now, I have to go back there and drop off a bigger piece of my poo.

I've been really tired lately since I haven't been able to sleep much. My mind is so groggy. I have no energy these days. I feel like crap and I'm really irritable too. Don't get on my bad side. I'm starting to get more and more pissed off lately.

Wisdom Teeth Problems

I also went to the dentist to pull out all four of my wisdom teeth, but he said he couldn't do it. It was too complicated because it was extremely impacted. I have to go to an oral surgeon who specializes in this stuff, because he has to cut through the boneline of my gums. It's not going to be pleasant. It'll probably cost me over $2000. All my money is going down the drain because of all the problems I have. Nothing is going right lately. Even my body is falling apart.

My Dad's Back Surgery

I also visited my parents' place. My dad had back surgery a couple months ago. I think he's doing better now. Before, he was in a lot of pain and was taking a lot of medication. He never went out anywhere. I brought over some nice strawberries from the korean market, Hannam Chain. They had delicious sweet giant strawberries. One box for $10. Those were the best tasting and biggest strawberries I've ever had. Are scientists genetically enhancing strawberries now too? Anyway, I hope my poor dad continues to get better.

Simba and Aslan

For Valentine's Day weekend, I bought Sarah a white tiger and a lion. Ever since our trip to Las Vegas last Valentine's Day, she's been wanting a white tiger that she saw at the Mirage. We named them Simba and Aslan. I plan on posting up pictures of them soon. They're the new addition to our family. We pretend that they're our kids.

Taking the Bus Again

I've also started taking the bus again, because I've had it with traffic lately. I looked on and saw that the 60 and the 10 freeways were packed. So, I decided to take the local roads. Unfortunately, several of the stoplights in downtown LA were out. It took forever to get home. Since I love to multi-task, I thought I could get some videogame time done on my bus ride home. I'm using Sarah's other HP iPaq Pocket PC. I downloaded some games and have been playing them on the bus. I thought this would be good, except I'm still getting motion sickness. I plan on biking to work again soon. I don't want to bash on people who take the bus, but I will today. The bus is always so crowded and it smells really bad like urine. A lot of people on the bus smell and don't look so clean. Today, the bus driver got mad, because a bunch of guys just snuck on the bus without paying. Then, this huge fat stinky guy sat next to me and made a lot of disgusting noises with his mouth. He was so big, he could have taken up 2 bus seats. It's pretty tough playing videogames as it is, but now I have to deal with motion sickness on the bus, nasty smells, and gross people. I can't read a book on the bus at all. Biking sounds a lot better these days. I love driving, but I can't stand traffic, especially when cars cut up in front when I've been waiting 15 to 20 minutes in the lane you're supposed to be in. Dang cutters! They wouldn't do this in person, but somehow they feel it's okay to do it when you're in a car.

Maybe, I might do videogame reviews of my Pocket PC games. The bus ride takes longer than driving, but I feel that I'm getting some things done instead of just sitting there in traffic. One day, I promise to get a motorcycle so that I can cut through traffic.

My mood is still:

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