Monday, February 27, 2006

This weekend, Sarah and I went up to the mountains to see some snow. A lot of it melted since it didn't rain in about a week. Maybe we'll go again next weekend since it's supposed to rain a lot this week. I reinjured my right wrist again trying to change the water on our water dispenser. Ouch! Fortunately, Sarah is a pharmacist who gave me Motrin for my inflamed muscle tissue. I hope the pain goes away, b/c I need my right wrist to do stuff. I'm right-handed and therefore, left-brained. At church, I told the story of Noah's Ark and all the kids were skeptical-even at that age. I couldn't finish my story without them interrupting me with questions constantly. They're a hyper bunch of kids anyway. I've told you about them before in my previous posts. I should use the catholic method of corporal punishment when they disrupt the class. Muhahaha! Oh, by the way, I've went back and read some of my past posts. I've noticed a lot of grammatical and syntax errors. If you spot them, please let me know. I need to fix them, b/c I'm anal. I don't like to write low quality crap. I like to write high quality ones. ;p Well, sometimes, if there's too many, I get overwhelmed and might get lazy. I don't want to go back and rewrite every single post I've written. We'll see. Posted by Picasa

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