Monday, February 13, 2006


2001: A Space Odyssey meets Top Gun. The result is as dumb as it sounds.

If you like jets and explosions, then this might be okay. Otherwise, Stealth is better off going unnoticed on your movie watching radar. I liked Top Gun a lot better. Well, Top Gun is pretty much the best jet fighter movie ever made. Top Gun has better action and dogfighting, even better drama and acting.

The dogfighting sequences are fast in this film, but it doesn't look real due to its heavy use of computer generated graphics. It's like watching a videogame clip of Ace Combat 3. Actually, that is an insult to this great video game series. Ace Combat is a must play game if you love jet fighters.

Anyway, back to the movie. This film is geared towards ADHD teens who love videogames. The lines in this movie are really lame. For instance:

"Do you know what I think?"

"Think? Don't think."

Totally lame. Come on! Obviously, that was the writers' philosophy as well. Do action movies have to have bad acting and bad scripts? There's no real that says it has to be this way. When are they going to make a good movie with lots of action that movie goers crave?

That experimental plane, EDI (Extreme Deep Invader)-sounds like HAL from 2001. He acts like a rebellious teenager. He listens to loud heavy metal crap. I don't know what song it is, but he listens to the same damn song over and over again in the movie. One of the techs said that EDI downloaded every song on the internet. Why the hell did he have to listen to that song over and over? You mean to tell me that out of all the millions of songs on the internet, he chooses that crappy song to listen to. Stupid! I hate teenagers, especially teenage robot planes.

One of Jamie Foxx's retarded lines is: "Extreme Deep Invader? That's what they call me."


Jessica Biel falls behind enemy lines when her plane crashes over North Korea. She tries to run to South Korea. I wish those North Koreans will get their act together and stop being crazy. They're an embarrassment to all Koreans. This is especially true since so many Americans don't know the difference between North and South Korea. I don't want North Koreans to give all Koreans a bad name. Hopefully, one day, the two Koreas will be reunited once again. Then, Korea will be a superpower. Anyway, Korea would never had to be split into two if it wasn't for President Truman. General Douglas MacArthur wanted to completely kick out the communists who were invading Korea from the North. MacArthur was succeeding, but Truman feared MacArthur's growing popularity. Truman fired MacArthur for supposedly insubordinating. The truth is Truman was jealous of MacArthur. Korea might still be one country today, if MacArthur continued to fight off the commies. Now, North Korea is controlled by an insane dictator. Families have been split apart for half a century due to this. Damn it!

Sorry for going off on a tangent. Basically, the movie sucked.

Pros: Pretty planes. Fast dogfighting action.

Cons: Unrealistic jet action due to too much CGI. Bad acting. Bad story. Bad script. Annoying adolescent plane that talks like HAL and listens to one crappy song the whole movie.

My rating: D, 64.

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