Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Incredibles

The Incredibles Posted by Picasa

This is definitely the best Disney/Pixar animated film ever made. It is a terrific blend of great animation, action, and humor. Although it's a kids' movie, it's still fun for the whole family.

It's full of humorous parodies about comic book superheroes. Other superhero movies have humor that comes across as cheesy. But, the humor in The Incredibles comes across really well, perhaps because it's an animated film. We knew that the movie didn't take itself seriously and so we loved the humor. One of Mr. Incredibles' last remaining superhero friends, Frozone-an African American Iceman, tells a story about how a villain kept monologueing after he caught Frozone instead of killing him like in other superhero movies. Another humorous parody was when Mr. Incredible tells the family that their identity is their most important power and hands them those tiny black masks that only covers their eyes like raccoons.

The movie contains elements from Superman, James Bond, Spiderman, Batman, Fantastic Four, and Spy Kids. This animated movie puts the Fantastic Four to shame.

Mr. Incredible fights crime and never has time for a break. His biggest fan, Buddy, wants to be his sidekick, but he tells him that he works alone.

Later, Mr. Incredible marries Elastigirl. They have three kids, Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. After Mr. Incredible saves a guy who tried to kill himself. The guy sues Mr. Incredible because he didn't want to be saved. Now, the guy has a broken neck. The lawsuit sparks a series of lawsuits against other superheroes. The government grants the superheroes amnesty if they stop using their superpowers to save people. They go through a government relocation program to lead lives as average citizens. The government is tired of spending tons of money paying off these lawsuits. They believe the superheroes are a bigger liability than a benefit.

Mr. Incredible gets a job as an insurance agent with a boss who is constantly looking over his shoulder. Incredible wants to help people, but his company is primarily concerned about making money for its shareholders. The company comes up with any excuse to deny a claim. Incredible hates his boring job denying claims to people who need help. Even his son has difficulties staying out of trouble. Dash wants to be in sports to show off his incredible speed, but his mom doesn't let him. She knows that he'll be too good and that everyone will know that they're "Supers".

One day, Incredible sees someone being robbed while his boss is reprimanding him. Incredible loses his temper and throws his boss through several walls to the other side of the building. He loses his job. One day, a mysterious woman named Mirage tells him that she has a secret mission for him.

Incredible is excited about reliving the old days. He finishes his job of stopping a superhero-killing robot that he was asked to do. Syndrome, the evil supervillain, makes another robot and captures Incredible. Syndrome starts monologueing and tells him that he was Buddy. He wants to create a killing machine that only he can stop. He creates a robot that kills off all the other superheros. He wants the glory all for himself.

Incredible's family comes to the rescue. Elastigirl is like Mr. Fantastic. She is really flexible. Violet is like Invisigirl. She can turn invisible and make force fields. Dash is like the Flash. He's superquick. There's one chase scene in the jungles of the island that look like the speederbike chase scene from Return of the Jedi. Jack Jack, the baby, has strange powers of being able to turn into the Human Torch, metal man, and a baby demon.

This is a great movie for the whole family. It has great 3D animation, action, and humor. This is one of the best superhero movies ever made.

My rating: A, 92.

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