Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Help! I've fallen and I can't. . .

I fell off my longboard last night going down a hill near my home. I'm in a lot of pain. I fell on my right hip and my right hand. My wrist is killing me. My right hip is all scraped up. My right hand is only slightly bruised. My skateboard went flying down the hill into the intersection.

My wrist hurts the most though. Hopefully, I'll be okay soon so that I can go to my office party tomorrow. Otherwise, I won't be able to shake peoples' hands. Right now, my wrist hurts every time I move. I have to use my left hand more. I have to learn how to wipe my butt with my other hand.

Fortunately, my skateboard had a green light so it didn't get run over.

Now that I'm older, I can't recover as fast as when I was younger. I used to be able to just get up and go after falling. Now, I have to take a break from skating until I heal. Otherwise, I might really break something if I get hurt again.

I canceled my appointment with the oral surgeon to pull out all 4 of my wisdom teeth. He was going to charge $600 to put me under general anasthesia. That's on top of the $2000 to pull out my teeth. I guess I chickened out. I'm just going to wait a little longer. I've waited this long. I can wait a little longer. I first found out that my wisdom teeth were impacted in law school in 1998. It's been about 8 years already. I wonder if my wisdom teeth are making my teeth become crowded and crooked. I think they are. I might have to get braces again. I hate dentists.

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