Friday, January 27, 2006

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This movie belongs in my worst movies of all time list. It's not worth watching at all. Do yourself a favor and never watch this piece of @#$% of a movie.

The movie starts off with a loser from England named Arthur Dent. He wears a bathrobe and carries a towel with him the entire movie. He wakes up one day and finds out that his house is about to be bulldozed to make room for a road. His friend, Ford Prefect, turns out to be an alien saying that the world is about to be demolished in two minutes. Ugly stone bricks that are supposed to be spaceships hover over earth and blow the planet up. Seconds before the earth is blasted into oblivion, Prefect stuck out his thumb and they both hitched a ride onto a Vogon ship. Prefect is a Black alien writer for an electronic encyclopedia called the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Vogons are super ugly green greedy fatties that run the galactic beuracracy. After being dumped into outer space, Dent and Prefect hitch another ride on a ship called the Heart of Gold. This ship looks like a doorknob. It's run by an idiot, Zaphod Beeblebrox, who happens to be the President of the Galaxy. He's seen often eating cereal out of the box. He is really immature and annoying. He happens to have a second head just below his main head. His other head pops up under his main head like a Pez dispenser. This second head is absolutely intolerable. I was so glad it was cut off by his arch-enemy, but it didn't happy soon enough.

Arthur reunites with a girl he met in England, Trillian, who now is going out with the imbecile President of the Galaxy. On board is the most annoying robot in the world, Marvin, a maniacly depressed droid, that makes C3-PO look like a rockstar.

When Beeblebrox steals his own ship and kidnaps himself, the Vogons try to stop the kidnapper and save him. This motley crew go on a quest to find out the answer to the ultimate question: the life, the universe, and everything.

When the super-computer on a distant planet was first asked this question millions of years ago, it computed that the ultimate answer was 42. That's lame. The super-computer than said that it created another computer to answer the ultimate question. These brain-dead asses search for this other supercomputer.

This movie is full of odd dry British humor, but most of it is just plain idiotic ridiculousness. This movie is probably okay for single digit year-olds or super geeks. Other critics have said it is influenced by Monty Python, but the old Monty Python movies were much better than this crap.

There was an alien parody of church and religion. Some aliens were at their church worshipping the coming of a great handkerchief, because they believe they were created when a giant alien sneezed them out of its nose. This heresy against the church is nothing but a thinly-disguised parody hidden as space alien sci-fi.

Everything that occurs in this movie is very improbable, strange, and random. The comedy is really immature and annoying. All the characters are not likable, especially the President of the Galaxy.

I don't know why the book was so popular. When I read it as a kid, I didn't think it was great either.

This film is filled with annoying nerdy lengthy explanations of nonsense that happens in the movie. It was like watching a geeky kid giving detailed explanations of imaginary garbage in his head that he made up as he went along telling us a stupid story. It's nothing but childish silliness.

This movie can only be tolerated by nerdy little elementary kids. This film was made by idiots for idiots and based on a moronic book.

This was very irritating to watch. It was pure torture. I didn't think any of the humor was funny. Everything was random stupidity.

I can't get my 2 hours back. Okay, enough of my ranting about this god awful movie.

My rating: F, 40.

1 comment:

  1. "Hitchhiker's" is definitely an acquired taste. If you've never fallen in love with the four-book trilogy or the old radio and TV series, the movie's going to suck, it's true.
