Monday, January 30, 2006

Bewitched Posted by Picasa

I'm embarassed to have even seen this dumb movie. I liked the old Bewitched tv show when I was a kid, but this odd tribute to the old show is simply a disgrace. Instead of doing a modern remake of the show, the geniuses at the studio thought that it would be interesting to make a clever twist. The movie is about a loser actor (played by Will Ferrell) who wants to make a comeback after a series of bad movies with a remake of the television show, Bewitched. He wants to use an unknown actress so that he could claim the spotlight. He finds Nicole Kidman and asks her to play Samantha on the show. Nicole turns out to be an actual witch who wants to foresake her powers as a witch and live a simple mortal life. Don't ask me why anyone would want to give up such a great lifestyle. I'd love to have those kinds of powers. I daydream that I have those types of powers like Samantha from Bewitched or that half-alien girl who could freeze time from the old show, "Out of This World".

So, Nicole Kidman turns out to be an actual witch who wants to live a normal life as a mortal, just like Samantha from the tv show. She is scouted by Ferrell to play as Samantha on a show called Bewitched, which is about a witch who wants to live a normal life. Wow! That is so clever. Not! I'm being sarcastic. That's not inventive. That's just a plain stupid idea. The studio thought that this would rake in big bucks with a turd of an idea like that?!

Will Ferrell is funny in other movies like Elf, but he wasn't funny in this one. He plays an immature actor who throws tantrums, but his character was not likable at all. Nicole Kidman plays a ditzy witch who is charming, but even her acting abilities couldn't save her from this awful plot.

There are very few funny scenes. Actually, I don't remember anything that was funny. Most of the scenes were too contrived. Nicole Kidmans' father appears time to time to give her unwanted advice. I think it would be freaky if you were shopping at the market, and your dad's face just popped up on all the food labels to talk to you. He also is an incorrigible playboy that wants to screw every woman he sees.

There were a lot of mistakes in this movie, that even I caught, like in one scene where Farrell rides a bike and parks it in front of his trailer, and then the bike disappears when the camera pans back to him as he's walking back.

This movie is just unbelievable. Nicole Kidman falling in love with Will Ferrell? Come on!

My rating: F, 53.

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