Wednesday, January 11, 2006

American Pie 2

American Pie 2 Posted by Picasa

If you like raunchy crude humor, then this is the movie for you! This movie cracked me up! There were so many hilarious situations that made the movie into one long laugh-fest.

It was almost as good as the original film. The first American Pie should become a classic. This movie is in the same category with Porky's and Revenge of the Nerds.

This movie begins with friends from the original movie reuniting after their first year in college. They decide to stay at a cabin by the lake and they get jobs painting homes to pay for their cabin. Their only ambition is to get laid.

Okay, so the plot is dumb. This movie is just about crass humor, which I think is the funniest kind of humor. Come on, everybody loves dirty jokes.

There were a lot of embarassing situations that the main kid, Jim (Jason Biggs), went through that would cause most people to kill themselves from shame. In the first scene, he gets caught by his parents and his girlfriend's parents having sex. This was similar to the first film's scene where he gets caught masturbating with a sock by his parents. The first film was the best since it pushed the envelope in terms of what can be shown in main stream movies.

There were a lot of forced situations, but they were still funny. That Stifler guy is a jerk, but every movie needs one, right?

This time, Jim accidentally superglues his hand to his penis, because he mistakenly grabs it instead of the lubricant while watching a porno flick. Then, his dad waits with him at the hospital. After everyone finds out, would you be able to show your face in public ever again? But Jim seems to be able to get over this situation. This should be an encouragement to anyone who goes through totally embarassing situations.

Everyone in the movie seems to be totally focused on sex. Are people really like this? All my friends seemed to be good kids. Maybe, I just didn't know what was going on. I thought they were all Christian nerds, until I heard some juicy gossip about them later on. I guess things like this really do happen in real life since you hear about how something like 3 out of 4 teens these days are not virgins.

This movie is not about the acting nor the story. It's just about the jokes. In this respect, it delivers what it sets out to do. I give it a B, 84.

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