Thursday, December 15, 2005

Make Sure You Lock the Restroom Stall

I'm sure you all know to lock the restroom stall, but make sure it's totally locked! I thought I locked the door on the restroom stall, but someone just managed to open the door somehow. The guy saw me in my most vulnerable position. I was totally humiliated and horrified. Well, almost. Now that I think about it, it could have been worse. This reminds me of one time when I was mountain biking in Schabarum Regional Park in Rowland Heights. This one crazy Asian guy tried to take a dump right in the middle of the trail. He thought he was alone and thought that he could leave a quick mess before anyone else showed up. This was about a couple miles up on the trail. Anyway, you know I always try to bike fast. I came rolling down the hill and he couldn't pull up his pants fast enough. Man! I had to witness that nastiness! I'm sure he was more embarassed than I was. If I was embarassed for him, he must have been totally shamed. But, it makes me think how he was going to wipe his butt, if he was going to at all. Yuck!

I'm glad dogs don't get embarassed taking a crap in front of their owners. I wonder if Princess Pepper, may she rest in peace, wanted me to look away while she was trying to poo when I took her for a walk.

Anyhow, I know that everyone has to poo, but everyone wants to keep that part of their daily life private. I have a hard time trying to poo when someone else is in the bathroom, and I'm sure many of you do too making doo doo. I can't even poo when my own wife, Sarah, is in the same bathroom as me.

Take the advice of David Kim-Double check to make sure the bathroom door is locked! Oh and don't poo in public. If you do, triple check to make sure no one can see you or no one is coming.

Sorry for talking too much about this unpleasant part of our lives, but it is a necessary evil. Pooing that is.

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