Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Videogame Free

I recently sold my modified XXXbox and Playstation 2. Now, I'm videogame free. Well, almost. I still have some computer games on our Dell computer. I spent about $700 on my XXXbox and $400 on my Playstation 2. I sold my modded Xbox to some Korean guy for $200. He got a really good deal considering it had several hundred games on it. I gave him a lot of freebies too. I sold my PS2 at Gamestop and I only got around $75 for my PS2 and all the games and stuff. When I was at Gamestop, I saw the new Xbox 360 being demonstrated on a HDTV and I totally wanted it. I got to play Call of Duty 2 and King Kong. I tried to free myself from my videogame addiction, but it looks like I'm going to have to start up again because of the next generation systems. It's really hard to quit, because games keep getting better and better. I plan on playing until I'm an old grandpa. Even when I'm a grandpa, I'd like to be playing ultraviolent games with my grandkids. "It's good to play together."-Xbox Live


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

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  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

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  3. Anonymous1:02 AM

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  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

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