Thursday, November 17, 2005

First Anniversary of My Blog

Can you believe that it's been one year already since I started my blog? Time goes by pretty fast, eh? Thanks to all my friends who have read my blog over the past year. I plan on making it better as time goes on. I've chosen a new look for my blog because I've gotten bored of the original design. I might keep changing the appearance until I find something I like.

This site is under-construction. I'm trying to renovate my website so that you will have a better viewing experience later. I'm trying to make it easier to read and more visually appealing. The links have been altered somewhat because of the template change. Please excuse the dust. Please be patient. Thanks.

What do you guys think of the new look? Should I keep it, go back to the original, or come up with a better one? Please let me know in the comments section. Come on guys, I've been begging you to comment on my blog for a whole year now. I'm getting tired of reading my own blog without any feedback. If you don't talk to me, I might start writing about more and more ridiculous junk. With your input, I can go back on the right path. Otherwise, this blog is just going to go downhill even more.

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