Monday, October 10, 2005

A Visit to Chris the Dentist's Office

I went to the office of Dr. Chris Choi, D.D.S. this weekend. One of my fillings fell out and I had to get it refilled. I went to his office and he numbed me up really well. After I got my fillings, I couldn't really talk because my tongue and cheeks were numb. I wanted to go get a haircut at the barber's afterward, but decided not to go because I didn't want to sound like I was mentally deficient. "I wanna haicut."

My mouth was numb for 3 hours. I was really hungry later so I wanted to eat something. I ate some watermelon and drooled all over myself. I tried to eat dinner, but I kept chewing on my lower lip since I couldn't feel it. My lip was bloody red afterwards.

All in all, Chris Choi did a great job on my teeth. I highly recommend him. He's funny, patient, and gave me the best prices.*

*Actual customer testimony, not a paid endorsement. Individual results may differ.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Monday's Letters: Thoughts on Plamegate, Rathergate and Michael Getler's Farewell Column
    NEW YORK Today's letters look at the ongoing Plame investigation, which has heated up once again, and the upcoming Mary Mapes book, which opens old wounds from CBS' Rathergate fiasco.
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  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I just spent $1,300 on my teeth. Wish Christ were here.

