Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Used Vegetable Oil Powered Car

I want to get a car that runs on used vegetable oil. Ever since I've heard of people doing that, I've wanted to drive a car like that. Wouldn't that be awesome? You will need to buy a diesel engine car and get a vegetable oil conversion kit from places like www.greasecar.com

You go to places like Chinese restaurants and ask for their used vegetable oil (non-hydrogenated). Then, you pour the oil into a filter. After that you pour the filtered oil into your diesel engine car. An 1980's Mercedes 300TD would be a great car for this. Those old cars are cheap now and diesel engines last a very long time. With these conversion kits, you get 2 tanks-one for regular diesel fuel to start and warm the car and one tank to hold the vegetable oil.

Once you have a vegetable oil powered car, you will hardly ever have to go to the gas station again. You can get all your oil from restaurants. Once Sarah and I buy a house, I want to do this. Then, I can have a big filter and storage tank in our garage to hold all the vegetable oil fuel. Restaurant owners may be willing to help because you will be taking away their oil for free. Otherwise, they will have to pay a service to have them take the old oil away.

Diesel engines were originally created by Dr. Diesel to run on peanut oil. Later they were changed to run on petroleum. Now, with the conversion kits, they can run on vegetable oil again. These kits cost $500-$1,000. I think they'll pay for themselves within one year. You get the same gas mileage and same horsepower as running on regular diesel. Your car will also perform the same. There won't be any damage to your car either. You have to heat the vegetable oil first though. With the kit, you warm up the engine and the vegetable oil by starting your car with running the diesel fuel first. Otherwise, the vegetable oil will start to coagulate. Once the oil is warmed up, you flip a switch to vegetable oil. This is ingenious!

Thousands of people are already doing this. It's just not main stream yet. This is also environmentally friendly because cooking oil pollutes much less than petroleum based fuels. You can drive as much as you want because you can get the used cooking oil for free. That's ultimate freedom. It might be a hassle collecting and filtering the oil, but I think it will be well worth it.

Best of all, your car will smell like Chinese food or french fries, depending on where you get your vegetable oil. This smells a lot better than diesel and will make everyone in the neighborhood hungry.

Click on the title of this post to read an article from Car and Driver about vegetable oil diesel cars.

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