Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I got violated!

I came back from the doctor's and boy does my ass sure hurt. I went to see a urologist and he violated me. Actually, I went there because I keep peeing so much. I thought I had BPH or something like that. I decided to check it out. Fortunately, he said my prostate is fine. Unfortunately, my ass hurt so much I almost peed in my pants! Ouch! Yikes! Then, I shook his hand, thanked him, and went home. I had to pay full price too since I don't have health insurance yet.

Please don't tell anybody. It's our little secret. Come on guys. Everybody goes to the doctor for one reason or another. Until now, I was healthy as a horse. Ever since I turned 30, my body is going all downhill. I don't think I can make it to 100 now.

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