Thursday, June 15, 2006

Counsel furiously debating whether beer or wine is better. (Or was it about which drinks are unmanly?) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wine definately better. Its more refined and tastes better. Plus its good for you. Did you know that 3 glasses of wine per week can help your cardiovascular health.

David Kim said...

I heard beer has some health benefits too. There are always studies going on saying that particular drinks such as wine, beer, coffee, etc. are good for you, always in moderation, of course. There haven't been enough studies to make a definitive answer yet. Some studies say that grape juice has the same health benefits as red wine. I usually overdo it when I drink though. I only drink when I'm with friends and I usually get carried away.

Here's to your good health!


Anonymous said...

Any alcoholic beverage will thin blood, thereby reducing the chance for clots to form and block arteries narrowed by plaque - so don't forget the hard liquor.

Actually, moderation is not the best way - if you're interested in heart health, that is. Regular excessive drinking confers the best blood thinning benefits. Of course you'd be at a higher risk for cirrhosis of the liver and brain damage, just to name a few. But wait... the media also says that drinking 4 cups of coffee daily suppossedly lessens liver damage. Oh yeah, don't forget that drinking 17 beers daily will reduce my chances for prostate cancer. Wow, the perfect solution - cyclicly drug myself silly with depressants and suppressants - I'm sure I'll feel great and stay healthy too! This is great! Must BUY beer... must BUY wine... must BUY coffee... Must BUY carbs... ... no, I mean Must BUY Proteins...
There are some interesting points inside the trash.

David Kim said...

Dear fan,

Actually too much protein will overwork and damage your kidneys. I recommend moderation. Eat and drink a little bit of everything. Life is meant to be enjoyed.